Student Representation Fee

Student Representation Fee

Option to opt out of $2 Student Representation Fee

Form must be completed by the last day for a refund each semester.

In 2019, California passed AB 1504 (Medina) which requires colleges to collect a $2 Student Representation Fee (SRF). One dollar is allocated to the local student body association (ASFRC) and the other dollar is allocated to the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC). The ASFRC advocates for the students at college by participating in college governance committees, developing policies affecting students, budgeting for events and clubs, and enhancing the overall student experience.

The SSCCC is recognized by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors and is the official voice of over 2.1 million California community college students and is focused on pursuing policies that improve student access, promote student success, engage and empower local student leaders, and enrich the collegiate experience for all community college students.

Both the ASFRC and SSCCC advocate and represent students before city, county, district governments and offices and agencies of the state and federal government.